Tag: notochord

Cephalochordata (subphylum of Chordata)

— Lancelets (Amphioxus / Branchiostoma) General Features Exclusively marine animals, superficially like fish.Capable of swimming, but are usually buried in sand with only their anterior end exposed.Body small and fish…

Retrogressive Metamorphosis (Herdmania)

Metamorphosis is a change from the juvenile to adult stage in which larval stage is quite different fromthe adult stage.In retrogressive metamorphosis the larva possesses advanced characters which are lost…

Urochordata (subphylum of Chordata)

— Tunicates (Herdmania, Ascidia, Pyrosoma) General CharactersLarvae contain all chordate characteristics while adults only exhibit pharyngeal pouches.Marine animals. Some are solitary, some are colonial.Sessile as adults but motile during larval…

Hemichordata (Phylum)

Habits and Habitat Solitary / Colonial, Tubiculous, Worm like marine animals with segmented body.Moves in its burrow by cilia covering its body surface. External Morphology Cylindrical body:-Proboscis – conical –…