Tag: branchiostoma

Agnathans (Cyclostomes)

Modified and degenerate offshoot of primitive vertebrate stalk, that arose in Devonian.In the adult stage, they are parasites or scavengers on fish. Secrete anti-coagulants in saliva to facilitate feeding on…

Cephalochordata (subphylum of Chordata)

— Lancelets (Amphioxus / Branchiostoma) General Features Exclusively marine animals, superficially like fish.Capable of swimming, but are usually buried in sand with only their anterior end exposed.Body small and fish…

Urochordate v/s Cephalochordate (differences)

Feature Urochordates Cephalochordates Examples Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum Amphioxus (Branchiostoma) Adult Sedentary Free swimming Segmentation Absent Present Notochord Absent in adult Present Nerve Cord Absent in adult Present Coelom Absent Present…